Coming Soon...

Coming Soon...


Through "The Project Nirvana Dhamma" we always tries to share the best with all the human beings around the world, from our level best.  This is purely created to share love, compassion, kindness & humanity.  We do our bit for human kind as ordinary humans.  Are you doing yours?  the worst possible difficulty can arise is lacking the humanity in a human being.  The rest of the difficulties are nothing compared to this evil difficulty.  

So, My dear Friend friends around the world.  Let's get together as one human community and let's share the love, compassion, joy & every single ingredients of humanity through the beautiful SIGN LANGUAGES AROUND THE WORLD!  LET'S TRY TO MAKE IT UNIVERSAL by filling it with all the magical ingredients of humanity!  

So, let us initiate something better for the human kind again & again through "The Project Nirvana Dhamma"