Weerasinghe Ãracchige Abhayarathna was born on 1950 in a village named Waharaka, Gonagaldeniya, Sri Lanka. He was as keen on Buddhism as a child and he began to practice various kind of meditation at his early age. He was so curious about dhamma and begins to experiment the dhamma methods from his childhood. At 1978 he got married and become a father of 2 children.
As a lay person he began to spread dhamma and was much popular with some of the skills he had as a lay person. Most of the skills he got through the mediation were extraordinarily helpful for many lay people.
Abayarathna was fully ordained as a monk on 2005, under the guidance of Ven. Dambadeniye Hathpaththuwe Sri Revatha Bhikku & Ven. Diyakelinawe Medhankara Chief Bhikku. His name changed as Ven. Waharaka Abayarathanalankara and he donate all his assets to the name of Dhamma.
Even his wife, his son, his daughter and the daughter’s husband also entered to the monk – hood. As the whole family dedicated their lives to follow the path nirvana, they become quite popular in Sri Lanka.
Because of his uncommon abilities and the way he preach become quite controversial in Sri Lanka. I find it quite obvious as most of the people doesn’t like for changes much. When most of them can’t understand something or if something doesn’t flow with the system it’s obvious to make those in to controversial. Still some of them doesn’t like to listen to this noble Bhikku. But that’s natural we can’t make everyone happy or agree with one thing.
For me what matter most is how something or someone can supportive enough for me to get rid from the defilement and the defiling nature of mind and how to make it purify according to the deep pure dhamma! Because even the controversial are part of defilement and coming from the defiling nature of one’s mind!
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Tribute to the Noble Friend